Thursday, July 18, 2013

I just sat down this morning and decided to look through one of my favorite scrapbook albums I created some time ago. I mean, what good is creating albums if you never look at them? So as I looked, I snapped some photos to share. I've been thinking about what kind of summer/vacation album I will create this year....This is what motivated me to look at some of my old vacation albums. Here are the photos of some of my 12X12 pages. I think I like them more every time I look at them! As you can see, I was really into creating mosaics out of embellishments and photos that year!

These photos remind me of what a wonderful vacation this was...and how excited we all were to go to Hawaii that year! I think that's what our pages are supposed to do... So I encourage scrapbookers to pull out those old albums and leave one on the coffee table for all to adore! If you don't scrapbook, just pull out the photo album... Wonderful Memories are a great save for the next vacation, or create a new scrapbook, or even just to start or end your day with a smile on your face...

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Beginner Blogger....

Being brand new to the world of blogging, I'll just begin by adding one of my latest projects to my blog here. Feel free to comment (on my project or blogger etiquette)! I need all the feedback I can get. Anyway....
I made the organizer here to originally include with an album I was making for a client. In the end, I decided not to use this as an element in the album I made. 

As I contemplated how I should use this cute expandible file folder made from envelopes and scrapbooking paper, it occurred to me to put some of my massive pile of stickers in here. It is a great storage item for my craft room, and I don't dread looking for stickers in my collection now, since I can file the stickers by color and occasion.

I found a video tutorial on youtube (of course) by luvleescrappin. The link, if you are interested is: